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Pulseira de Terahertz, pulseira de pedra para homens, alívio do estresse ioga contas de pulseira ajustável Ansiedade aromaterapia

Pulseira de Terahertz, pulseira de pedra para homens, alívio do estresse ioga contas de pulseira ajustável Ansiedade aromaterapia

€ 1.33


【Disped a umidade】 Terahertz Stone ajuda a dragar os meridianos, promover a circulação sanguínea, remover o frio e a umidade no corpo e contribuir para a saúde do corpo 【O alívio da fadiga】 TERAHERTZ BEADS pode aumentar o metabolismo humano, ajustar o equilíbrio das células humanas, reparar células danificadas, regular as glândulas endócrinas e eliminar a fadiga. 【Anti -inflamatório】 alivia todos os tipos de dor causados ​​pela tensão nervosa excessiva. O terahertz contém uma variedade de elementos de vestígios necessários para o corpo humano, podem melhorar a aptidão física. 【Design de cordão elástico】 Caixa no tamanho do pulso, fácil de colocar e decolar. As contas redondas e lisas, não machucarão sua pele delicada, confortável de usar. 【Design de cordão elástico】 Caixa no tamanho do pulso, fácil de colocar e decolar. As contas redondas e lisas, não machucarão sua pele delicada, confortável de usar. 【Disped a umidade】 Terahertz Stone ajuda a dragar os meridianos, promover a circulação sanguínea, remover o frio e a umidade no corpo e contribuir para a saúde do corpo. 【O alívio da fadiga】 TERAHERTZ BEADS pode aumentar o metabolismo humano, ajustar o equilíbrio das células humanas, reparar células danificadas, regular as glândulas endócrinas e eliminar a fadiga. 【Anti -inflamatório】 alivia todos os tipos de dor causados ​​pela tensão nervosa excessiva.

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Item Type:
Terahertz Bracelet
Applicable People:
Bead Diameter:
Approx. 9mm / 0.4in
1. Unblock the meridians:
Terahertz light waves open up the meridians in the human body, stimulate the meridians, and dredge the meridians. After the meridians of the human body are unblocked, the cold and dampness in the body is removed, the acid base balance of the human body is promoted, and the purpose of curing diseases and fitness is achieved.:
2. Promote blood circulation:
After the terahertz light waves penetrates into the human body, it can dilate blood vessels, reduce blood flow resistance and blood viscosity, improve microcirculation, increase the ability to store oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, and have an effect on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.:
3. Activates nerves and cells:
It can increase human metabolism, provide nutrients to cells, improve the absorption of energy by cell mucosa, adjust the balance of human cells, activate and improve various enzymes, and enhance material metabolism and energy metabolism. It can quickly remove mutated cells, open up the meridians, activate dormant cells, strengthen and repair and soften damaged cells.:
4. Regulate the digestive system and eliminate fatigue:
Terahertz thermal energy light waves have a regulating effect on a variety of endocrine glands, and can regulate the organs controlled by endocrine glands. During treatment process, it can stimulate the excitement of endorphin in the body and eliminate fatigue at the same time.:
5. Has anti inflammatory and analgesic effects:
Terahertz heat energy light waves can increase the number of white blood cells and achieve anti inflammatory effects. When light waves are injected into the nerves, it relieves all kinds of pain caused by excessive nerve tension. :

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